Appendix 4 Freedom of information schedule

Access facilitiesIn many cases, application for information under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act) might not be required because information or documents may be readily available on the Commission's website. Formal requests under the FOI Act must be made in writing to the Executive Director, FOI contact officer, of the Commission. The Commission maintains a dedicated FOI page on its website which sets out the information required to be published under section 8 of the FOI Act.
Arrangements for public involvementFormal participation and consultation can be arranged by contacting the Executive Director of the Commission whose details are listed below. The Commission welcomes views and comments from members of the public and bodies outside the Commonwealth concerning its functions.
Commission powersThe Commission exercises decision-making powers under the Act. It has the power to do everything necessary or convenient to be done for, or in connection with, performing those functions. The Commission has a range of specific powers that include convening public hearings and summoning witnesses.
Decision processThe general power to grant or refuse access to Commission documents under the FOI Act is held by the Chairperson of the Commission. On 19 August 2013, the Chairperson authorised the Executive Director, and in his/her absence, the Senior Adviser, to exercise the Chairperson's powers and functions under the FOI Act.
Documents available for inspectionThe Commission keeps a Register of Public Documents containing public versions of applications, submissions and comments for each case before the Commission. The register is available for public scrutiny. A Register of Confidential Documents that contains material from applications and submissions deemed to be confidential by the Commission or its delegate is also maintained. The Commission applies those standards based on the FOI Act for the protection of documents relating to business affairs. Consistent with the transparency of its processes, the Commission encourages applicants and submitters to keep requests for confidential treatment of documents to a minimum.

The Commission has published a series of guidelines that describe its procedures and processes in relation to allocating capacity. These guidelines are available on request or from the Commission's website. Documents may also be obtained by facsimile or by email. Operational files are maintained on all the Commission's activities and are stored at the office of the Commission. These files are not open to public access.
Functions of the Commission and

How it is organised
The functions of the Commission, as set out in section 6 of the International Air Services Commission Act 1992, are to:

(a) make determinations;

(b) conduct reviews of those determinations; and

(c) provide advice to the Minister about any matter referred to the Commission by the Minister concerning international air operations.

The organisation of the Commission is described in Part 2 of this report.
FOI Contact
The Executive Director, and in his/her absence, the Senior Adviser is the Commission's FOI contact officer. Any request or query on FOI matters may be directed to the:

International Air Services Commission

GPO Box 630 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia

Phone: (612) 6267 1100


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