Japan - 06 November 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 448 KB] from Qantas seeking a revocation of Determination [2013] IASC 104 which allocates 6.1 units of capacity on the Japan route, and a variation of Determination [2011] IASC 128 to reduce the capacity allocated from 43.4 units to 7 units of capacity per week on the Japan route.
In accordance with subsection 27AA(3) of the International Air Services Commission Act 1992 (the Act), on receipt of a request to revoke a determination, the Commission must make a decision revoking the determination.
Renewal - Virgin Australia - Thailand - 05 November 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 159 KB] from Virgin Australia seeking a renewal of Determination [2009] IASC 133 which allocates 3.15 B747 equivalent services of capacity in each direction on the Thailand route. Other applications for the capacity are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make an application is COB (i.e. 5pm) on 12 November 2013, with the application due by COB 19 November 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 12 November 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Renewal - Thailand - Qantas - 31 October 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 257 KB] from Qantas seeking the renewal of Determination [2009] IASC 120, which allocates 1.4 B747 equivalent units of capacity per week on the Thailand route. Other applications for this capacity are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make an application is COB (i.e. 5pm) on 7 November 2013, with the application due by COB 14 November 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 7 November 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Japan - 17 October 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 665 KB] from Qantas seeking a variation to Determination [2012] IASC 102 for unlimited capacity for passenger services between points in Australia and points in Japan, other than Haneda airport. Submissions about the application are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make a submission is COB (i.e. 5pm) on 24 October 2013, with the submission due by COB 31 October 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 24 October 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Indonesia - 18 September 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 412 KB] from Virgin Australia seeking a variation to Determination [2013] IASC 130 to permit the utilisation of the capacity allocated to be used for code share services with Delta on the route. Submissions about the application are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make a submission is COB (i.e. 5pm) on 25 September 2013, with the submission due by COB 3 October 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 25 September 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Renewal - Various - Virgin Australia - 12 September 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 181 KB] from Virgin Australia seeking the renewal of determinations [2008] IASC 128 on the Cook Islands route and [2008] IASC 129 on the Fiji route. These determinations are due to expire in the next 12 months.
The Commission invites other applications relating to the capacity subject of renewal. The closing date for notice of intention to make an application is COB (i.e. 5 pm) on 19 September 2013, with the application due by COB 26 September 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 19 September 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Renewal - Vanuatu - Pacific Air Express - 20 August 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 133 KB] from Pacific Air Express seeking to renew Determination [2009] IASC 118, as varied by Decision [2010] IASC 211 which allocates 17.5 tonnes per week of freight capacity on the Vanuatu route. The application seeks a renewal of the determination for a further period of 10 years from 12 August 2014.
The closing date for notice of intention to make an application is COB (i.e. 5pm) on 27 August 2013, with the application due by COB 3 September 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 27 August 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Hong Kong- 19 August 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 437 KB] from Qantas seeking a variation to determinations [2009] IASC 123, [2011] IASC 116 and [2011] IASC 117 which together allocate 25 frequencies on the Hong Kong Route. The application for variation seeks to enable Jet Airways to code share on Qantas operated services between Australia and Hong Kong. Submissions about the application are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make a submission is COB (i.e. 5pm) on 26 August 2013, with the submission due by COB 2 September 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 26 August 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Renewal - Indonesia - Virgin Australia - 19 August 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 255 KB] from Virgin Australia seeking the renewal of Determination [2009] IASC 113 which allocates 720 seats in each direction on the Indonesia route. Other applications for this capacity are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make an application is COB (i.e. 5pm) on 26 August 2013, with the application due by COB 2 September 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 26 August 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Renewal - Indonesia - Qantas - 19 August 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 284 KB] from Qantas seeking to renew determination [2009] IASC 115 which allocates unlimited passenger capacity between points in Australia except Sydney, Melbourne (including Avalon), Brisbane, Perth and points in Indonesia.
The closing date for notice of intention to make an application is COB (i.e. 5pm) on 26 August 2013, with the application due by COB 2 September 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 26 August 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Indonesia - 07 June 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 346 KB] from Virgin Australia seeking a renewal of Determinations [2009] IASC 105 and [2009] IASC 106 which allocate capacity on the Indonesia route. Other applications relating to the capacity subject of renewal are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make an application is COB (i.e. 5 pm) on 17 June 2013, with the application due by COB 24 June 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 17 June 2013, the Commission may proceed to decide on the application.
Fiji - 06 July 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 175 KB] from Virgin Australia seeking a renewal of Determination [2009] IASC 109 allocating capacity on the Fiji route. Other applications relating to the capacity subject to renewal are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make an application is COB (i.e. 5 pm) on 12 July 2013, with the application due by COB 19 July 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 12 July 2013, the Commission may proceed to decide on the application.
Solomon Islands - 06 July 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 175 KB] from Virgin Australia seeking a renewal of Determination [2009] IASC 110 allocating capacity on the Solomon Islands route. Other applications relating to the capacity subject to renewal are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make an application is COB (i.e. 5 pm) on 12 July 2013, with the application due by COB 19 July 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 12 July 2013, the Commission may proceed to decide on the application.
New Zealand - 28 June 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 571 KB] from Qantas seeking a variation to Determination [2006] IASC 109, which allocates capacity on the New Zealand route, to permit Emirates to code share on Qantas operated services. Submissions about the application are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make a submission is COB (i.e. 5pm) on 5 July 2013, with the submission due by COB 12 July 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 5 July 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Hong Kong- 27 May 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 460 KB] from Qantas seeking a variation of various determinations which together allocate a total of 25 frequencies on the Hong Kong route, to enable Finnair to code share on Qantas' services. Submissions about the application are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make a submission is COB (i.e. 5pm) on 3 June 2013, with the submission due by COB 10 June 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 3 June 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Thailand - 15 May 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 46 KB] from Virgin Australia seeking a variation to Determination [2009] IASC 133, which allocates capacity on the Thailand route, to permit Air Berlin to code share on Virgin Australia services. Submissions about the application are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make a submission is COB (i.e. 5pm) on 22 May 2013, with the submission due by COB 29 May 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 22 May 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Papua New Guinea - 22 April 2013
Qantas has submitted a variation [PDF: 223 KB] to its application of 5 April 2013, increasing the requested allocation of capacity from 27.5 tonnes of freight capacity to a total of 35 tonnes. Other applications for the capacity are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make an application is COB (i.e. 5pm) on 26 April 2013, with the application due by COB 3 May 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 26 April 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Papua New Guinea - 5 April 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 540 KB] from Qantas seeking an allocation of 27.5 tonnes of freight capacity. Other applications for the capacity are invited.
Various Routes - 16 April 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 265 KB] from Qantas seeking to renew its determinations on the Vietnam, China and Indonesia routes. These determinations are due to expire in the next 12 months. The Commission invites other applications relating to the capacity subject of renewal.
The closing date for notice of intention to make an application is COB (i.e. 5pm) on 23 April 2013, with the application due by COB 30 April 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 23 April 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Nauru - 15 April 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 207 KB] from Pacific Air Express seeking an allocation of three B737F services per week of freight capacity on the Nauru route. Other applications for the capacity and submissions about the application are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make an application or submission is COB (i.e. 5pm) on 19 April 2013, with the application or submission due by COB 26 April 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 19 April 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Nauru - 04 April 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 627 KB] from Chapman Freeborn seeking an allocation of 32 tonnes of freight capacity on the Nauru route. Other applications for the capacity are invited.
France (Route 3) New Caledonia - 15 April 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 292 KB] from Pacific Air Express seeking an allocation of one B737F service per week of freight capacity on the New Caledonia route. Other applications for the capacity and submissions about the application are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make an application or submission is COB (i.e. 5pm) on 19 April 2013, with the application or submission due by COB 26 April 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 19 April 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Indonesia - 03 April 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 281 KB] from Virgin Australia seeking a renewal of Determination [2009] IASC 103 which allocates 720 seats of capacity on the route. Other applications for the capacity are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make an application is COB (i.e. 5pm) on 10 April 2013, with the application due by COB 17 April 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 10 April 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
United Arab Emirates - 03 April 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 400 KB] from Virgin Australia seeking a variation of Determination [2010] IASC 118, which allocates three services per week in each direction on the route, to permit Air Berlin to code share on Virgin Australia's services. Submissions about this application are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make a submission is COB (i.e. 5pm) on 10 April 2013, with the submission due by COB 17 April 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 10 April 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Singapore - 28 March 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 352 KB] from Virgin Australia seeking an allocation of 400 seats per week beyond Singapore to Colombo, which Virgin Australia plans to use to provide joint services with Singapore Airlines. Other applications for the capacity are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make an application is COB (i.e. 5pm) on 27 March 2013, with the application due by COB 3 April 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 27 March 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Singapore - 19 March 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 528 KB] from Qantas seeking an allocation of 300 seats per week on the Singapore route which it plans to use to provide code share services on Emirates. Other applications for the capacity are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make an application is COB (i.e. 5pm) on 26 March 2013, with the application due by COB 2 April 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 26 March 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Italy - 12 March 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 49 KB] from Qantas, seeking a variation to Determination [2007] IASC 113 to reduce capacity from 600 to 300 seats and to enable Qantas to code share with Emirates on the Italy route effective from 31 March 2013. Qantas has also amended its request of 3 September 2012 to renew Determination [2007] IASC 113, by seeking renewal of 300 seats of the 600 seats allocated by this determination.
Submissions about this application are invited. As the application involves a reduction in capacity (which normally does not require consultation) and a variation for code sharing that has been approved for other applications, rather than the normal 10 working days for submissions, the closing date for submissions will be COB Tuesday 19 March 2013.
France Route 3 (New Caledonia) - 20 February 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 285 KB] from Qantas seeking an allocation of 150 seats to accommodate aircraft substitution on the route. Other applications for the capacity are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make a submission is COB (i.e. 5pm) on 27 February 2013, with the submission due by COB 6 March 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 27 February 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Thailand - 11 February 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 519 KB] from Qantas seeking a variation of Determination [2011] IASC 101, which allocates 14 third party code share services per week on the Thailand route, to add conditions enabling it to use the capacity to provide joint services with Emirates on the route. Qantas also sought to have conditions permitting joint services with Finnair removed. Submissions about the application are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make a submission is COB (i.e. 5pm) on 18 February 2013, with the submission due by COB 25 February 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 18 February 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
France Route 1 - 24 January 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 629 KB] from Qantas seeking a variation of Determination [2011] IASC 119 which allocates 250 one-way seats per day averaged over 12 months in each direction on France Route 1. The variation sought is to permit Emirates to code share on Qantas services. Submissions about the application are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make a submission is COB (i.e. 5pm) on 31 January 2013, with the submission due by COB 7 February 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 31 January 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Various Routes - 24 January 2013
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 623 KB] from Qantas seeking to vary various determinations to permit Emirates to code share on Qantas services between points in Australia and the United Kingdom, via Dubai and points in Australia to Singapore and Thailand. Submissions about the application are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make a submission is COB (i.e. 5pm) on 31 January 2013, with the submission due by COB 7 February 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 31 January 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Review of determinations allocating capacity to Heavy Lift Cargo Airlines of Australia (HeavyLift) - 18 January 2013
HeavyLift currently has the following determinations:
Papua New Guinea route
• [2009] IASC 117, which allocates 16.5 tonnes of freight capacity; and
• [2011] IASC 111, which allocates 22.5 tonnes of freight capacity.
Solomon Islands route
• [2008] IASC 130, which allocates 25 tonnes of freight capacity.
New Zealand route
• [2005] IASC 101, which allocates unlimited freight capacity.
On 8 August 2012 the Commission was informed by the Department of Infrastructure and Transport that HeavyLift’s International Airline Licence had been cancelled.
Under section 10 of the International Air Services Commission Act 1992 (the Act), the Commission may, at any time, conduct a review of a determination if it believes there may be grounds for varying, suspending or revoking the determination.
Italy - 18 December 2012
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 519 KB] from Qantas seeking a variation to Determination [2010] IASC 104 which allocates 400 seats on the Italy route. The application is seeking to permit Emirates to code share on Qantas services between Dubai and Milan. Submissions about this application are invited.
In view of the Department's Christmas shutdown, the closing date for notice of intention to make a submission is COB (ie. 5pm) on 4 January 2013. Submission are due by COB 11 January 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 4 January 2013, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Indonesia - 12 December 2012
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 238 KB] from Virgin Australia for a variation of [2008] IASC 120 to permit Delta Airlines to code share on Virgin Australia services. Submissions about this application are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make a submission is COB (ie. 5pm) on 19 December 2012. In view of the Department's Christmas shutdown, submission are due by COB 8 January 2013. If no notice of intention is received by COB 19 December 2012, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Thailand - 16 November 2012
The Commission has received an application [PDF: 243 KB] from Virgin Australia for a variation of Determination [2009] IASC 133 to permit Etihad Airways to code share on Virgin Australia services on the Thailand route. Submissions about the application are invited.
The closing date for notice of intention to make a submission is COB (ie 5pm) on 23 November 2012, with the submission due by COB 30 November 2012. If no notice of intention is received by COB 23 November 2012, the Commission may proceed to make a decision.
Renewal of Determinations expiring in 2013 - 04 September 2012
Qantas has applied to the Commission to renew a number determinations expiring in 2013. The application may be viewed here. [PDF: 60 KB]
Virgin Australia has also applied to the Commission to renew a number of determinations. The Virgin Australia application may be viewed here. [PDF: 507 KB]
The determinations subject to renewal and any subsequent variations to the determinations may be viewed on the Commission web site under Determinations and Decisions.
Other applications for the capacity are invited. The closing date for notice of intention to make an application is COB 11 September 2012, with applications due by COB 18 September 2012, unless additional time is sought and agreed to by the Commission.